This true story includes a step-by-step breakdown of how our company recognized and took action after a terrible disaster and accomplished our goals. We realized that the lessons from our PB&J Strategy should be deployed not only in instances of disaster but during the regular course of the year. Every year. This book is a tool that teaches and explains these valuable lessons and how they should be embraced and implemented by anyone in any business, including sales, disaster relief, human resources, or charitable organizations.
The benefits from implementing the PB&J Strategy are multi-faceted. Scheduled giving in and of itself is pure team building. It not only will energize you and/or your organization - it’s a vehicle for change. Giving is a bad mood buster. You just have to plan “giving” out. It’s an exercise not only in team building but creativity, communication, organization, goal setting, problem solving and implementation. It is also a natural way to be involved with your customers and community. Extended paybacks will be a change of habits, mood, personal growth and will help in recruiting, retention, sales, and your bottom line.
A separate PB&J workbook includes over 70 application exercises broken down into 10 sections. The workbook ensures that the lessons from The PB&J Strategy are carried out in an easy way to implement what you learned. Read More about The PB&J Workbook
The PB&J Strategy IN THE PRESS